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The Director Speech

I take this opportunity to introduce about the Christian Media Centre – India, which is the India Branch of the International Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), a 100 years old ministry of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (ILLL), U.S.A.

In India, it was started in the year 1951 as BCTN (Bringing Christ to the Nation) and was named as Christian Arts and Communication Service (CACS) and fondly called as “Christian Arts”. Now, the same ministry is known as Christian Media Centre – India (CMC-I) and celebrated its65th year in 2016.

“Beloved in Christ Jesus our Lord, the Saviour of the world.”

Rev. R.V. Subin


We are grateful to God, the Lord of this ministry, our Leaders in the Head Quarters in St. Louis, USA, the past and present Trustees of CMC-I Trust and of course all the God’s Children like you who pray and support our Ministry Programs with their prayers and generous offerings.

The life giving message of the Gospel is proclaimed through different tools of the Media. For example, we use Radio, Television and Internet, Live program like Music, Drama, Dance, Film Shows and Print Media. It is carried out in 7 languages, three South Indian and three North Indian and also in English languages.

We are also concerned about the young generation in our country and wish to help them to grow as God’s Children with a heart for Nation Building; with that aim we create Youth Clubs in villages and towns and help them to achieve our goal.

All these programs are carried out only with the financial support and guidance of the International Lutheran Hour Ministries and also from people like you those who have the heart for the Gospel Proclamation and Nation building. Come; join us in this noble Ministry. We assure, you will enjoy the blessings from God in your life.

Your brother in Christ