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Bible Study

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1. Give seven reasons to say that Jesus Christ was really a Man.
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2. Give seven reasons to say that Jesus Christ is really God.
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3. Jesus said that “l am the Bread of Life”. What does it mean to your life?
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4. Jesus said “l am the Light of the world”. What does this mean to your life?
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5. Jesus said “l am the Good Shepherd” What does this mean to your life?
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6. Jesus said “l am the Resurrection and the Life”. What does this mean to your life?
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7. Jesus said “l am the Way and the Truth and the Life” What does this mean to your life?
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8. Jesus said “l am the true vine” What does this mean to your life?
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9. State briefly what Jesus has done to make your life meaningful, rich and a blessing?
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a) From the same answers find out,what He is doing to your life now?
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b) From the same answers, briefly state what He will do to you in the future?
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10. Read again the Bible passages found on pages 16, 17, 18 of your Bible Study Book and answer the following questions.

a) What kind of a power was revealed in the miracles of Jesus?
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b) What did those who saw the miracles think about them and what did they do?
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c) Regarding the miracles of Jesus?

(i) What do you think ?
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(ii) Do they create any kind of a belief in your life?
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(iii) In what way does Jesus deal with your life in a miraculous way?
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11. What were the answers given by people who lived at the time of Jesus to the question “WHO IS JESUS”?
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12. What is your answer to the question “WHO IS JESUS?”
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13. What was the purpose for which Jesus came into this world as a man?
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14. How did He fulfil his purpose ?
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15. Do you think that the purpose of Jesus Christ found fulfillment in your life? How do you explain it?
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16. What are the benefits and blessings that you enjoy, if the purpose of Jesus Christ is fulfilled in your life?
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17. Explain briefly how you experience and enjoy the benefits and blessings in your daily life?
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18. (a) Do you accept and believe that Jesus Christ is your Redeemer?
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(b) if you believe that Jesus Christ is your Saviour, do you attend worship services on Sunday mornings?
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(c) If not, do you have any problems and difficulties to go to Church?
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(d) Do you want us to help and advise you so as to enable you to enjoy the fellowship of other Christian believers and worship with them? Please explain.
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19. Use this page to write your comments about this Bible Study, and the benefits and blessings you received from this Bible Study.
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